Thursday, June 19, 2008

Last day at the beach. ahhh...Urunao. :)

I am proud to say that I finally left Tumon and ventured north to Urunao. We were invited to Lanchon Ga's (Ga's Ranch) for the afternoon. My uncle Ga and auntie Lou Artero were the perfect hosts.

I haven't been to Urunao in sooo long, and oh my god it was just breathtaking. I feel so blessed to be from this stunning piece of land way out in the Pacific. Truly blessed.
We had the whole beach to ourselves. We walked on the reef and went snorkeling just beyond it--beautiful!

Paradise...that's it. That's all you can say. I am from Paradise.

1 comment:

Internet Guru said...

nice blog you got here..congratulations! mine is: